Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Long day pretty though warm with all the leaves changing did not sleep well last nightVery tired knee still out of sorts. Found out my Dad is dating and Mom has been passed on only since March it is like losing her all over thought I do not blame him really for dating, kinda feel like they will just be some more family who will think of me and my kids last.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

After $800 in the hole for my van Hubby's car is in the shop oh dear . I am really flaring up with my CFS/FM. No one is reading this blog so I suppose it will be for my own self talk.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Feeling a bit off this evening feel like everyone is tense and it is rubbing off on me. My FM/CFS is acting up as I am aching and in pain.

I wanted today to talk about the Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome I suffer with. I am not officially diagnosed but am working on that with my doctors. I have started on Omega Complex and Calcium-Magnesium-Zinc to try and alleviate some of my symptoms myself as well as a gentle exersize regimen that includes walking and stretches. I have been researching trying to findout if any of the many things available online may help at all like Fibronol, 4Lifes Fibro AMJ and some others they are quite expensive so I would really want to know for sure before I picked one.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Chilly in the 50's here we enjoyed our church service and then after lunch we made a scarecrow . toasty turkey rice and veggie soup homemade for dinner.Tried to get ticker but alas it did not show up and I have no idea what I did wrong.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Mom-cations are much more needed than Mancations get real! We Mom's need to unite to set up wonderful restful and affordable Mom-cations! Who's with me!!

Welcome! I am a Mom to 3 . We love the beach, seashells, our Boston Terrier , Walker Hound , 3 kitties, pet Siamese Rat and an aquarium of goldfish! We are a proud WELS Lutheran home educating family! Enjoy our Blog!